68 Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development

Jean Piaget (1896–1980) is another stage theorist who studied childhood development (Figure 1). Instead of approaching development from a psychoanalytical or psychosocial perspective, Piaget focused on children’s cognitive growth. He believed that thinking is a central aspect of development and that children are naturally inquisitive. However, he said children do not think and reason like adults (Piaget, 1930, 1932). His theory of cognitive development holds that our cognitive abilities develop through specific stages, which exemplifies the discontinuity approach to development. As we progress to a new stage, there is a distinct shift in thinking and reasoning.
Piaget said that children develop schemata to help them understand the world. Schemata are concepts (mental models) that help us categorize and interpret information. By the time children have reached adulthood, they have created schemata for almost everything. When children learn new information, they adjust their schemata through assimilation and accommodation. First, they assimilate new information or experiences in terms of their current schemata: assimilation is when they take in information comparable to what they already know. Accommodation describes when they change their schemata based on new information. This process continues as children interact with their environment.
Video 1. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development explained.
For example, 2-year-old Blake learned the schema for dogs because his family has a Labrador retriever. When Blake sees other dogs in his picture books, he says, “Look, mommy, dog!” Thus, he has assimilated them into his schema for dogs. One day, Blake sees a sheep for the first time and says, “Look, mommy, dog!” Having a basic schema that a dog is an animal with four legs and fur, Blake thinks all furry, four-legged creatures are dogs. When Blake’s mom tells him that the animal he sees is a sheep, not a dog, Blake must accommodate his schema for dogs to include more information based on his new experiences. Blake’s schema for dogs was too broad since not all furry, four-legged creatures are dogs. He modifies his schema for dogs and forms a new one for sheep.
Like Freud and Erikson, Piaget thought development unfolds in a series of stages approximately associated with age ranges. He proposed a theory of cognitive development that unfolds in four stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational.
Age (years) | Stage | Description | Developmental issues |
0–2 | Sensorimotor | World experienced through senses and actions | Object permanence Stranger anxiety |
2–6 | Preoperational | Use words and images to represent things, but lack logical reasoning | Pretend play Egocentrism Language development |
7–11 | Concrete operational | Understand concrete events and analogies logically; perform arithmetical operations | Conservation Mathematical transformations |
12– | Formal operational | Formal operations Utilize abstract reasoning |
Abstract logic Moral reasoning |
The first stage is the sensorimotor stage, which lasts from birth to about 2 years old. Children learn about the world through their senses and motor behavior during this stage. Young children put objects in their mouths to see if the items are edible, and once they can grasp objects, they may shake or bang them to see if they make sounds. Between 5 and 8 months old, the child develops object permanence, which is the understanding that even if something is out of sight, it still exists (Bogartz, Shinskey, & Schilling, 2000). According to Piaget, young infants do not remember an object after it has been removed from sight. Piaget studied infants’ reactions when a toy was first shown to an infant and then hidden under a blanket. Infants who had already developed object permanence would reach for the hidden toy, indicating that they knew it still existed, whereas infants who had not developed object permanence would appear confused.
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Please take a few minutes to view this brief video demonstrating different children’s ability to understand object permanence:
In Piaget’s view, around the same time as children develop object permanence, they also begin to exhibit stranger anxiety, which is a fear of unfamiliar people. Babies may demonstrate this by crying and turning away from a stranger, clinging to a caregiver, or attempting to reach their arms toward familiar faces such as parents. Stranger anxiety results when a child is unable to assimilate the stranger into an existing schema; therefore, she can’t predict what her experience with that stranger will be like, which results in a fear response.
Piaget’s second stage is the preoperational stage, which is approximately 2 to 7 years old. In this stage, children can use symbols to represent words, images, and ideas, which is why children in this stage engage in pretend play. A child’s arms might become airplane wings as he zooms around the room, or a child with a stick might become a brave knight with a sword. Children also begin to use language in the preoperational stage, but they cannot understand adult logic or mentally manipulate information (the term operational refers to logical manipulation of information, so children at this stage are considered pre-operational). Children’s logic is based on their own knowledge of the world rather than on conventional knowledge. For example, Dad gave a slice of pizza to 10-year-old Keiko and another slice to her 3-year-old brother, Kenny. Kenny’s pizza slice was cut into five pieces, so Kenny told his sister he got more pizza than she did. Children in this stage cannot perform mental operations because they have not developed an understanding of conservation, which is the idea that even if you change the appearance of something, it is still equal in size as long as nothing has been removed or added.
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This video shows a 4.5-year-old boy in the preoperational stage as he responds to Piaget’s conservation tasks.
During this stage, we also expect children to display egocentrism, which means that the child cannot take the perspective of others. A child at this stage thinks that everyone sees, thinks, and feels just as they do. Let’s look at Kenny and Keiko again. Keiko’s birthday is coming, so their mom takes Kenny to the toy store to choose a present for his sister. He selects an Iron Man action figure for her, thinking his sister will, too, if he likes the toy. An egocentric child cannot infer other people’s perspectives but instead attributes his perspective. At some point during this stage, typically between 3 and 5 years old, children understand that people have thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that are different from their own. This is known as theory-of-mind (TOM).
Watch IT
Piaget developed the Three-Mountain Task to determine the level of egocentrism displayed by children. Children view a 3-dimensional mountain scene from one viewpoint, and are asked what another person at a different viewpoint would see in the same scene. Watch the Three-Mountain Task in action in this short video from the University of Minnesota and the Science Museum of Minnesota.
Piaget’s third stage is the concrete operational stage, which occurs from about 7 to 11 years old. In this stage, children can think logically about real (concrete) events; they have a firm grasp on using numbers and start to employ memory strategies. They can perform mathematical operations and understand transformations, such as addition, which is the opposite of subtraction, and multiplication, which is the opposite of division. In this stage, children also master the concept of conservation: Even if something changes shape, its mass, volume, and number stay the same. For example, if you pour water from a tall, thin glass to a short, fat glass, you still have the same amount of water. Remember Keiko and Kenny and the pizza? How did Keiko know that Kenny was wrong when saying he had more pizza?
Children in the concrete operational stage also understand the principle of reversibility, meaning that objects can be changed and returned to their original form or condition. Take, for example, water that you poured into the short, fat glass: You can pour water from the fat glass back into the thin glass and still have the same amount (minus a couple of drops).
The fourth and last stage in Piaget’s theory is the formal operational stage, which is from about age 11 to adulthood. Whereas children in the concrete operational stage can think logically only about concrete events, children in the formal operational stage can also deal with abstract ideas and hypothetical situations. Children in this stage can use abstract thinking to problem solve, look at alternative solutions, and test these solutions. In adolescence, a renewed egocentrism occurs. For example, a 15-year-old with a very small pimple on her face might think it is huge and incredibly visible, under the mistaken impression that others must share her perceptions.
Beyond Formal Operational Thought
As with other major contributors to theories of development, several of Piaget’s ideas have been criticized based on the results of further research. For example, several contemporary studies support a model of development that is more continuous than Piaget’s discrete stages (Courage & Howe, 2002; Siegler, 2005, 2006). Many others suggest that children reach cognitive milestones earlier than Piaget describes (Baillargeon, 2004; de Hevia & Spelke, 2010).
According to Piaget, the highest level of cognitive development is formal operational thought, which develops between 11 and 20 years old. However, many developmental psychologists disagree with Piaget, suggesting a fifth stage of cognitive development known as the postformal stage (Basseches, 1984; Commons & Bresette, 2006; Sinnott, 1998). In postformal thinking, decisions are made based on situations and circumstances, and logic is integrated with emotion as adults develop principles that depend on contexts. One way that we can see the difference between an adult in postformal thought and an adolescent in formal operations is in terms of how they handle emotionally charged issues.
Once we reach adulthood, our problem-solving abilities change: As we attempt to solve problems, we tend to think more deeply about many areas of our lives, such as relationships, work, and politics (Labouvie-Vief & Diehl, 1999). Because of this, postformal thinkers can draw on past experiences to help them solve new problems. Problem-solving strategies using postformal thought vary, depending on the situation. What does this mean? Adults can recognize, for example, that what seems to be an ideal solution to a problem at work involving a disagreement with a colleague may not be the best solution to a disagreement with a significant other.
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory

Figure 3.8.1. Lev Vygotsky, founder of the sociocultural theory, which emphasizes contextual factors in cognitive development
Modern social learning theories stem from the work of Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky (Kozulin, 1990). Vygotsky’s ideas are most recognized for identifying the role of social interactions and culture in developing higher-order thinking skills. His theory is especially valuable for its insights into the dynamic “interdependence between individual and social processes in the construction of knowledge” (John-Steiner & Mahn, 1996, p. 192). Vygotsky’s views are often considered primarily cognitive development theories, focusing on qualitative changes in the development of thought, language, and higher-order thinking skills. Although Vygotsky intended to understand higher psychological processes in children, his ideas have many implications and practical applications for learners of all ages.
Three themes are often identified with Vygotsky’s ideas of sociocultural learning: (1) human development and learning originate in social, historical, and cultural interactions, (2) the use of psychological tools, particularly language, mediate development of higher mental functions, and (3) learning occurs within the Zone of Proximal Development. While we discuss these ideas separately, they are closely interrelated, non-hierarchical, and connected.
Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory emphasizes the importance of culture and interaction in developing cognitive abilities. Vygotsky contended that thinking has social origins, social interactions play a critical role, especially in developing higher-order thinking skills, and cognitive development cannot be fully understood without considering the social and historical context within which it is embedded. He explained, “Every function in the child’s cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level; first between people (interpsychological) and then inside the child (intrapsychological)” (Vygotsky, 1978, p. 57). It is through working with others on various tasks that a learner adopts socially shared experiences and associated effects and acquires useful strategies and knowledge (Scott & Palincsar, 2013).
Rogoff (1990) refers to this process as guided participation, where a learner actively acquires new culturally valuable skills and capabilities through a meaningful, collaborative activity with an assisting, more experienced other. It is critical to notice that these culturally mediated functions are viewed as embedded in sociocultural activities rather than self-contained. Development is a “transformation of participation in a sociocultural activity,” not a transmission of discrete cultural knowledge or skills (Matusov, 2015, p. 315).
Scaffolding and the Zone of Proximal Development
Vygotsky differed with Piaget in that he believed that a person has a set of abilities and potential abilities that can be realized if given the proper guidance from others. He believed that through guided participation, known as scaffolding, with a teacher or capable peer, a child could learn cognitive skills within a certain range, known as the zone of proximal development. While Piaget’s ideas of cognitive development assume that development through certain stages is biologically determined, originates in the individual, and precedes cognitive complexity, Vygotsky presents a different view in which learning drives development. The idea of learning driving development, rather than being determined by the learner’s developmental level, fundamentally changes our understanding of the learning process and has significant instructional and educational implications (Miller, 2011).
Figure 3.8.2. Model of the zone of proximal development.
Have you ever taught a child to perform a task? Maybe it was brushing their teeth or preparing food. Chances are you spoke to them, described what you were doing while you demonstrated the skill, and let them work with you throughout the process. You assisted them when they seemed to need it, but once they knew what to do, you stood back and let them go. This is scaffolding. Educators have also adopted this approach to teaching. Rather than assessing students on what they are doing, they should be understood in terms of what they can do with the proper guidance.
This difference in assumptions has significant implications for designing and developing learning experiences. If we believe, as Piaget did, that development precedes learning, then we will make sure that new concepts and problems are not introduced until learners have developed innate capabilities to understand them. On the other hand, if we believe, as Vygotsky did, that learning drives development and that development occurs as we learn a variety of concepts and principles, recognizing their applicability to new tasks and new situations, then our instructional design will look very different.
Video 3.8.1. Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Development explains the influence of the social environment on cognition and how more knowledgeable others help us learn within our zone of proximal development.
schema: (plural = schemata) concept (mental model) that is used to help us categorize and interpret information
sensorimotor stage: first stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development; from birth through age 2, a child learns about the world through senses and motor behavior
Candela Citations
- Modification and adaptation, addition of video link. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution
- Lifespan Theories. Authored by: OpenStax. Retrieved from: http://cnx.org/contents/Sr8Ev5Og@5.52:Edod3PQm@5/Lifespan-Theories. License: CC BY: Attribution. License Terms: Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11629/latest/.
- Piaget - Stage 1 - Sensorimotor stage : Object Permanence. Authored by: Geert Stienissen. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCdLNuP7OA8. License: Other. License Terms: Standard YouTube License
- A typical child on Piaget's conservation tasks. Authored by: munakatay. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnArvcWaH6I. License: Other. License Terms: Standard YouTube License
- Piaget's Mountains Task. Authored by: UofMNCYFC. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4oYOjVDgo0. License: Other. License Terms: Standard YouTube License